12/16/23 @ 05:13 AM EST

"Brief" Update

only (almost) ten days later and we feel as though an update should be posted

this past week has been rather confusing and turbulent, for reasons we will not be going into for now, as we wish to respect the wishes of everyone involved.
but! just know that things will likely be better sooner than later, or at least that's the current trend we're noticing

and to directly address something we had stated we were planning to do in the last blogpost,
we still are actually planning on doing a Jay's Idiocy Gen3 update at some point! we actually have (admittedly, extremely rough) concept art for the general layout of the index made!
main issue is just finding the time, motivation, and energy to actually start this overhaul
we will also (probably?) create like, a dedicated "here's some cool Museum Pieces of Jay's Idiocy's Past" page, from which you could (theoretically) check out previous incarnations of the index! although we can't really promise anything on that front as we've still gotta figure that out, and considering we're not 100% certain on the current Index Gen3 concept art, things are subject to change pretty drastically!

as for life itself, you may have noticed that there was not a Ruby's Morii upload for this past Therapy Day. We have good reason for this!! we've decided to switch Ruby's Morii as a page on the website into an archive, while we work on its replacement, The Jodie Chronicles.
TJC will be a monthly video series which contains all* of the footage and photos we took during the month prior, and uploaded as one long "Episode" on the first day of each month!
for example, on January 1st, 2024, Episode 0 will release! Episode 0 will contain all footage from December of 2023 (sans Dec 7 and anything prior to that)
*except for any that're just test shots, various attempts at the same shot, footage from our private life, etc etc. basically we don't have to show you anything we don't wanna, or don't feel comfortable sharing

oh also, Railroader released, so our Hyperfixation Center has been pre-occupied with that in our free time which is making working on projects a bit difficult (oops)

for the sake of full transparency and giving y'all something to actually look forward to that we CAN say with confidence WILL happen when we're expecting it to, look out for 2023's "outtakes" album!!! it'll be releasing on the last day of December, and it contains every single thing we've made (or tried making) for Jay's Idiocy that didn't quite turn out how we were hoping it would, or even simply just didn't fit with anything we were planning on releasing! the album's actually titled The Wrong Layer of Reality '23, and is the first entry in what'll be a yearly release of outtakes albums! (they'll all be titled the same thing, just the year changes)

oh and uhm. for anyone hoping for a mobile compatible version of the website (because we did kinda blindly say we might look into it): the answer (For now, at least) is a simple no. this MIGHT change depending on how drastic of a rebuild Gen3 is? but i wouldn't count on it in the slightest.

anyways uhm! here's hoping things smooth out enough soon that we can begin genuinely looking into getting Gen3 started! its prime mover sure as hell hasn't been finished yet but we're looking forward to it operating as is!
(and for the rest of you who aren't Train Terminology Savvy: replace "prime mover" with concept art and "operating" with releasing)

also hai biscuit was here x3

Written by Ruby, written with Biscuit's assistance