The Jodie Chronicles, Episode 0 (PILOT)

Welcome, to The Jodie Chronicles. This is episode zero of what will become a monthly series where we document the things we've filmed, or photographed, throughout each month of our collective life.

This episode contains footage from December 2023, specifically anything past December 7th, as that was uploaded independently.


C1: at 9:07 there's a joke which implies the reason the horn sounds higher pitched is because it's a newcast, we're well aware that isn't the actual reason and decided to keep it in as-is because it sounds funny. But, this correction note is here to clarify that the actual reason it sounds like this, is because NICTD has forcefully quilled their horns slightly, resulting in the "starting squeal" of the horn to be more audible throughout the "full" blast.

C2: the NS Truck at 12:32 is actually from the 13th, not the 27th! this is a rather tiny mistake so, we didn't deem it noteworthy enough to correct in the video itself.

Music used in this video: