
he/him preferred, she/her accepted.

Hey. name's Sylvia.
There's not much to know about me, other than the fact that I have the ability to heal/defend myself using extremely basic magic.

Some small trivia about me, I guess:

  • I need my glasses to see more than 2 feet in front of me.

  • Red's my favorite color, mainly because of my eyes. I've heard wolves with red eyes are rather uncommon.

  • Constantia's a pretty cool font. I like it a lot.

  • If I had to choose a favorite railroad that still operates, it'd probably be the Great Lakes Interstate. Something about its livery is just awesome.

  • Canada's pretty cool. Wish I lived there instead.

  • Favorite band is probably Weezer, honestly. Their stuff (especially their older music) just goes unfathomably hard.
Sylvia was designed by Ruby and Dunes, and is written by Wynd!