Site Updates

(make sure to Ctrl+F5 on this page to ensure this frame is up to date!)
{11/30/23, 4:11 PM EDT}

fall updating pt.6d5:

- Fixed the order of our entries in the About Us Page so it actually lines up with what had been proposed for the new order, because somehow we missed this entirely the first time (oops)

{11/25/23, 12:56 AM EDT}

fall updating pt.6:

- Biscuit's entry has been added to the About Us page :3

- Reordered each of our entries based on two factors: Origin and Time. For instance, since Pur was formed by Ruby, Pur goes above Emby, but since Biscuit was more recent than Pur, then Biscuit goes between Pur and Emby. Rather easy to understand, we think

{11/4/23, 12:56 AM EDT}

fall updating pt.5:

- halloween update reverted

{10/23/23, 07:59 PM EDT}

fall updating pt.4:

- blog has been upgraded to a new, much easier to use (both for us and the readers) interface

{10/23/23, 12:25 PM EDT}

halloween update:

- the index now has a halloween themed background!

- set the song selected on the index to Trick or Train because it's very fitting :3c

- also, fixed the only instance of Smooth Fonts breaking the layout of a page that we're aware of (the index), and as such we removed that note from the warnings page

{10/22/23, 4:13 PM EDT}

fall updating pt.3:

- updated the About Us page a little, most notably Ruby's sprite in its banner has been made more up-to-date with its current style, and the "About Us" banner now uses our pixel sprites rather than old, slightly modified, varying quality drawings of us. Our bios were also slightly changed too, Ruby and Wynd's have been nearly entirely rewritten.

- added a little later (4:57 pm edt), but now the About Us page's background is the sky in our headspace! Admittedly, it's currently just a screenshot of a recreation of our headspace's sky in roblox, but that's just because we haven't gotten around to making the image ourselves yet. that WILL be coming soon, though!

- update at 5:27 pm edt: headspace background is no longer a roblox screenshot, as Pur got around to actually recreating the sky as accurately as possible in PDN instead!

- update at 06:49 pm edt: "Jay." has been updated, now it includes each of us's motifs and is 4 minutes long :3c

- 6:59 pm edt: found out that we can replace all the discord-based audio links with ones that're from bandcamp instead, hopefully this doesn't backfire? thus far it seems to be fine at least

- 7:54 pm edt: found out the hard way that bandcamp links don't actually work after a certain amount of time. wonderful. 6:59 edit reverted.

- 10:19 pm edt: made it so that the introductory page to our website is a little warning page, adjusted any links that should take you to the actual index so that they do so. along with this, the artwork directory now has a "warning tags" section for each post! in hindsight, we probably should've added that way long ago.

{9/29/23, 12:50 PM EDT}

fall updating pt.2:

- currently going through and changing every instance of a discord image/video/etc link to one that's either hosted on neocities itself or on youtube. music may simply be a thing of the past when discord enables the "filehosting kill switch" though.
note: this process isn't complete yet, as ruby's morii and png demo derby still need updated. there's probably more but those're the two most important ones on our radar right now.

- 1:59 pm edt, png demo derby is now no longer in the danger zone. next we will be focusing on ruby's morrii.

- 3:06 pm edt, update: ruby's morii cannot be treated in the same way the rest of these have been fixed, as doing so would bring our site's total filesize to roughly 83% of our maximum allowed storage space. a solution will be figured out later.

{9/22/23, 4:22 PM EDT}

Milepost 1000 Update:

- added link to "mileposts" page on the index

{9/10/23, 1:56 PM EDT}

fall updating pt.1:

- modified the wording on pages that needed it, basically just instances of "i" "me" "my" etc that were intended to mean us collectively have been changed to actually reflect that

- renamed previous logs that were taking place in summer to actually say Summer Updating Part # instead of continuing the Spring Updating name past the expiration date of spring

- (12:14 pm edt) also updated the lick gifs on the index because they were like, over two years outdated

- mini update on sept 16th at around 5:25 pm, fixed the "places you can find me" text on the index that we somehow overlooked (oops), also same for the "sites i like" image. also emby updated her sprite for the Art button a tiny bit

{7/3/23, 1:22 PM EDT}

summer updating pt.5:

- FINALLY got around to finishing the About Us revamp of the old "about me" page

{6/26/23, 1:37 AM EDT}

summer updating pt.4:

- added pur drawings to the art archive, as they've opened up to the idea of being seen

{6/24/23, 6:11 PM EDT}

summer cleaning pt.3:

- all the Main buttons on my index are now animated!!! and slightly updated too

{6/19/23, 8:42 PM EDT}

summer cleaning pt.2:

- background on the main index is now animated, because i thought it looked cool

{6/15/23, 11:07 AM EDT}

summer cleaning pt.1:

- Jay's Idiocy: Comiced button on the main index has been replaced with a more noticeable button to JI^2. The archive is now properly accessible via JI^2

{5/31/23, 3:28 PM EDT}

spring cleaning:

there's been a lot of very small changes (and some on pages that aren't released yet), but the most noteworthy one is as follows:
- Jay's Idiocy: Comiced button replaced with an Archive link instead, as i'm planning on moving JI:CE to JI^2, at which point i'll decide what happens to it

{5/21/23, 7:16 PM EDT}

minor, but important change:

- all RRPA links on the South Shore Shrine page have been switched to webarchive links instead, as railroad picture archives seems to be in a bit of a rut atm, and we'd rather not risk losing valuable information like this
edit, at 9:05pm on the same day: turns out, RRPA can still be reached via, however we don't quite know if this is trustworthy enough to revert the webarchive links to links on this site instead
(5/22/23, 2:44pm) we've been informed that RRPA is actually fully back, but we think for safety reasons we'll keep those links as webarchive links, unless they get like, deleted or something in which case we'll swap them back to RRPA links

{5/21/23, 6:22 PM EDT}

very tiny change:

- added more obvious link to the SBN discord on the index, since people might not realize they can click the "SBN Portal" image for an invite

{5/19/23, 1:30 PM EDT}

medium sized update:

- replaced the PNG Demo Derby's page with the new format

this update also includes new entries that hadn't been added to the list yet (everything after april)

next one i wanna update at some point is the model page, but i'm not confident it'll actually be updated any time soon considering it's still pretty much an archive

{5/15/23, 11:08 PM EDT}

medium sized update:

- replaced the barely functional photography corner with a new one that works much better, named "Ruby's Morii"

this update also includes new entries that hadn't been added to the list yet (April 21st through May 12th being the new ones upon release)

i'm also planning on updating png derby in a similar way, but haven't quite gotten around to working on that yet

{5/1/23, 10:20 AM EDT}

very small update:

- edited the status lights for the main subpages to be more accurate
- changed the title of the index to simply "Jay's Idiocy", instead of "Jay's Idiocy: Homepage"

{4/29/23, 1:43 PM EDT}

very small update:

- new blogpost
- for those who haven't seen, JiSQ (or JI^2) has had some very small updates too

{4/7/23, 2:40 PM EDT}

larger-than-normal update:

- (wip) Jay's Idiocy^2 introduced (can be found at the bottom of the index)

{3/15/23, 2:12 PM EDT}

mini update:

- new blogpost
- set the activity bar for the blog to "Actively Updated"

{3/4/23, 5:36 PM EST}

railroadex update:

- overhauled SBN's railroadex page
- a bit of a late addition (added a couple minutes later) but added Wolf Sticker photo

also just to clarify: the "photos of SBN" were all photos I've taken, and edited by myself! the quantization of the images is meant to sorta represent early railroad forum photos and totally isn't just to cover up how poor my editing skills are

{3/1/23, 12:06 PM EST}

huge update:

- completely overhauled the index to look much, much cleaner and intentional feeling

- about me page has been completely overhauled aswell, using a format for a project that's currently in limbo

- blog page also completely overhauled, hopefully it's okay? it should be, i hope it is.

- removed wynd jumpscare because it was just there to freak out people who saw the page early lol

- fictional railroad index's index page has been completely overhauled too, i think it's alright.

art archive didn't get an overhaul, but it's still kept up to date

comiced's page has also been left untouched for the time being, as i've still not worked up the motivation to actually continue it quite yet.

{2/23/23, 5:38 PM EST}
mini update: i woke up at like 4:10 or something and i'm not tired enough to sleep so i went on my site to do some work(tm) and realized that none of the 2023 updates on this page were written as being in 2023 because apparently i forgot what year we're in
uh. if it wasn't clear, i fixed that

unrelated, but expect an actually meaningful update to the site soon-ish. maybe. don't count on it, it'll probably be a while because i sincerely have no idea when it's good enough for release.

{2/9/23, 6:06 PM EST}
mini update: added a color range thing of whether a page is updated or not to the index, and officially decided that the traindex is archived again
{1/11/23, 8:26 PM EST}
mini update: replaced the old construction banner animation with one i made myself, as i felt bad that i kinda just took somebody's asset and used it for my own site. and i know, this may seem a little blasphemous to replace an asset that's currently only used in my archived pages, but, that's because i DO plan on actually using it again at some point in the future.
i'm not really sure who made the original one, but it can be found in this giant collection of under construction signs, which is where i initially found it
{12/31/22, 4:30 PM EST}
mini update: added a little more visual flare to the index, along with the new SBN discord link
{12/14/22, 3:52 PM EST}
mini update: found a question for the month that i'd rather have there instead of just "merry chyrsler!!!"
{11/30/22, 8:14 PM EST}
traindex update: added SBN 150, currently the only traindex image with front rear left and right shots.
these are planned to become standard for traindex images, but will likely not be applied to any of the currently existing templates for quite a while
ps: also fixed the traindex page to display the proper "last updated" date for CDSL
pps: slightly optimized the code of this page a bit by removing unneeded breaks that were left at the end of each message (woops)
{11/29/22, 5:19 PM EST}
mini update: fixed the TXRR unit on the index banner having a handbrake on the wrong side of the nose (woops)
{11/29/22, 5:00 PM EST}
mini traindex update again: moved misc page back to the archived section and rewrote the text to make a bit more sense with the new layout
{11/29/22, 4:55 PM EST}
mini traindex update: swapped CDSL and TXRR to their WIP revamp versions, moved them to the WIP category
{11/29/22, 4:46 PM EST}
traindex update: categorized the railroads a bit so you know which ones are/aren't up to date.
also added OCRy and DMRy in the wip section
{11/24/22, 5:49 PM EST}
mini update: added link to the jay's idiocy tumblr, it probably won't get used much but it's there now
{11/14/22, 7:53 PM EST}
mini update: renamed the bandcamp updates bar to "noteworthy bandcamp updates"
{11/1/22, 2:06 PM EDT}
mini update: changed the question of the month but i don't have the mental capability to actually do anything anymore so it's just whatever the first thing i could think of is
{10/15/22, 6:10 PM EDT}
updated the Jay's Idiocy banner on the index, also added randomization to the train displayed on it
(mini update at 6:39 pm, i fixed the arm length on the Jay in the banner, since it was a bit jank before)
{10/9/22, 2:08 PM EDT}
added a tiny visual stimuli to the index (tiny jay above the text on the win95 border)
{10/2/22, 7:10 PM EDT}
decided to also publish CIRy's and MPLRy's updates early. just like SBN's it's not quite finished, but it's close enough.
{10/2/22, 6:08 PM EDT}
updated SBN's traindex page, it's not very good but it's better than what was there previously
{10/1/22, 2:11 PM EDT}
updated question of the month
{9/21/22, 10:26 PM EDT}
added a favicon to all supported pages
{9/21/22, 9:13 PM EDT}
updated the marquee trains on the index so theyre no longer just old janky traindex sprites
{9/21/22, 8:10 PM EDT}
added win95 style border to the index page because i thought it looked cool (the buttons animate btw!)
{9/11/22, 10:38 PM EDT}
modified the spacing of the tables on the art index so it doesn't look as bad with long descriptions
{9/4/22, 11:18 PM EDT}
fixed SBRL's text being too close to the left of its button
{9/2/22, 12:54 PM EDT}
replaced the "mk.ii nssls" for CIRy with MR-90s
{9/1/22, 1:19 AM EDT}
swapped question of the month
(haha i'm on time this time)
{8/28/22, 3:42 AM EDT}
fixed the about me page having "if you've found this, please leave!" text because i somehow forgot to remove that when i published the page (woops)
also fixed a spelling mistake and added onto the "things i like" section and touched up the wording ever so slightly
{8/23/22, 5:45 AM EDT}
wow haha a full 20 days later i finally did something
new comiced post, check it out if that interests you
{8/3/22, 1:42 AM EDT}
mini update: question of the month changed (sorry its late)
{7/23/22, 6:33 PM EDT}
mini update: turns out the trailer car version was much easier than expected, got it out of the way

single cab version'll arrive once i finish the Nippon Sharyo BiLevel Dual Cab for SBN, as at that point i will be done updating SBN's images and will move on to updating CIRy's Nippon Sharyos

{7/23/22, 5:29 PM EDT}
updated the SBN Nippon Sharyo Single Level Dual Cab to the new scale

(a comparison between each scale that the traindex has been through so far)

the trailer car and dual cab NSSLs will come at a later date, likely within the week however
{7/21/22, 10:59 PM EDT}
did some slight reworking on the index to clean it up a tiny bit, not much is noticeably different though
{7/21/22, 10:44 PM EDT}
update log update

i've decided to move site updates from the big box on the index page to it's own page, for the sake of keeping the index page a bit cleaner
from now on, previous updates will also be listed and archived