About Me:

she/her preferred, they/them accepted

update from march 4th, at 21:47 est:
my role has returned to being the general system caretaker, following biscuit's shift in role/personality. i'll rewrite this later
hi! i'm Emby, i don't really have much of a function in the system at this time, as Biscuit has mostly taken the roles i used to have

i've been here alongisde Ruby since the beginning (presumably, at least)

a fun little bit of trivia, i'm the reason we're wolves! a long, LONG time ago, we were watching this one show on TV and a fox character came on screen, and we had a wave of both "i wanna be her" in terms of gender and species, but because we didn't really know what the difference was at the time, i suggested we were wolves! and ever since then, that's stuck around (aside from a few exceptions, like pur, who sometimes decides to be a fox, but is most times just neither).

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